Strategies and technologies for sustainability, climate change and digital transformation

The issue of sustainability is addressed in a broad sense, according to the Elkington triple bottom line model: economic, social and environmental sustainability. In this context, studies are carried out in collaboration with both Italian and foreign research groups on various aspects: - role of crowdfunding and other platforms typical of the sharing economy in promoting transition towards a sustainable society;  the role of crowdfunding in promoting sustainable development, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030; link between Corporate Social Responsibility and performance indicators, with particular focus on those relating to innovation; sustainability-oriented strategies and innovations in the food sector

Furthermore, the issues of climate change and digital transformation are studied through the methodological approach of agent-based computational economics. In particular, the Eurace agent-based macroeconomic model ( is used to design macroprudential, financial and fiscal policies aimed at fostering the energy transition and to study the impact that digital technologies and more generally investments in intangible assets have on the level of employment and on the economic system in general, through labor and total factor productivity increase.


  • Silvano Cincotti
  • Marco Raberto 
  • Stefania Testa


  • Bertani, F., Ponta, L., Raberto, M., Teglio, A., Cincotti, S., 2020 The complexity of the intangible digital economy: an agent-based model. Journal of Business Research,  (in press)
  • Testa, S., Roma, P., Vasi, M., & Cincotti, S. 2020. Crowdfunding as a tool to support sustainability‐oriented initiatives: Preliminary insights into the role of product/service attributes. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 530-546.
  • Testa, S., Nielsen, K. R., Bogers, M., & Cincotti, S. 2019. The role of crowdfunding in moving towards a sustainable society. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141, 66-73.
  • Ponta, L., Raberto, M., Teglio, A., Cincotti, S. 2018 , An Agent-based Stock-flow Consistent Model of the Sustainable Transition in the Energy Sector. Ecological Economics, 145, pp. 274-300

Last update 19 January 2022