Combustion - Aeroacoustics – Computational Fluid Dynamics Savona

Combustion - Aeroacoustics – Computational Fluid Dynamics Savona

The Laboratory of Combustion – Aeroacoustics – Computational Fluid-dynamics has two premises located at DIME Savona and Genoa sites. In particular, the Combustion Laboratory (SCL, Savona Combustion Laboratory) is placed at the Savona Campus of the University of Genoa, whilst the Aeroacoustics together with the Numerical Fluid-dynamics laboratories are located in the Villa Cambiaso site (Pavilions) of the Polytechnic School. 

a) Combustion Laboratory

The laboratory, located in the experimental infrastructure of the Savona leg of the Combustion – Aeroacoustics – Numerical Fluid-dynamics Laboratory, has been established for the investigation and characterisation of combustive phenomena under the fluid-dynamic, acoustic, thermo-chemical and theoretical-numerical point of view. 

The laboratory takes advantage of the availability of in the vanguard experimental infrastructures and diagnostic techniques, allowing the characterisation in details of combustive processes of industrial interest (typical application areas: gas turbines, metallurgical and glass industries, biomass gasification, acoustic phenomena generation and propagation in turbomachinery)

  • The Combustion Laboratory infrastructures include:
  • Wind tunnel dedicated to the aerodynamic characterisation of combustors
  • Test-rig for full-scale gas turbines burners characterization
  • Test-rig for downscaled industrial (metallurgical and glass industry) burners
  • Test-rig for LRPM (Liquid Rapid PreMix) burners characterisation
  • Process air pre-heating system (for gas turbine burners testing) up to about 450°C
  • Recuperator (refractory bricks stacking) for process air pre-heating (industrial burners testing) up to about 1000°C
  • Heat exchanger for natural gas preheating and reforming (by means of water/steam injection)
  • Biomass gasification plants having electrical power output up to 20 kW

Measurement and diagnostic instrumentations include, besides traditional intrusive techniques, also in the vanguard laser-based systems; here is list of the main available instrumentations:

  • Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV)
  • Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA)
  • Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
  • Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)
  • Rayleigh Thermometry
  • Hot wire Anemometry (CTA)
  • Thermocouples
  • Cooled high response pressure transducers
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Combustion instability optical detector


  • Polo Universitario di Savona, via Magliotto 2, Savona – Zona Nord, Hangar 1 e 2


  • Alessandro Nilberto (RADRL)
  • Edward Canepa 
  • Andrea Cattanei
  • Carlo Cravero

Research Activities 

  • Experimental combustion diagnostics 
  • Experimental aerodynamics of gas turbine combustors
  • Numerical study of fluid machine components and combustion processes

Last update 19 January 2022