Innovation Management

The innovation issue is addressed with reference to two main approaches, the first of systemic character, the second more focused on the company. From the point of view of the innovation system, we study the different perspectives existing on the topic, the misalignment between the different types of actors, the measures introduced at European community level to support innovation in different sectors. From the business point of view, we investigate the innovation processes implemented in different contexts. Particular attention is devoted to the study of innovation in entrepreneurial contexts and family businesses. In addition, special emphasis is placed on the study of open innovation systems, the use of web 2.0 tools to support innovation and socio-technical systems in general.


  • Silvia Massa
  • Stefania Testa


  • Appio, F.P., Martini, A., Massa, S. and Testa, S., 2020. Social media-based innovation: A review of trends and a research agenda. Information & Management, 57(3),
  • Savino, T., Testa, S., & Petruzzelli, A. M. 2018. Researcher understanding of food innovations in Nordic and Southern European countries: A systematic literature review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 77, 54-63.
  • Appio, F.P., Martini, A., Massa, S. and Testa, S., 2016. Unveiling the intellectual origins of Social Media-based innovation: insights from a bibliometric approach. Scientometrics, 108(1), pp.355-388
  • Massa, S. and Testa, S., 2017. Opening up innovation processes through contests in the food sector. Business Process Management Journal, 23(6), pp.1290-1310.
  • Appio, F.P., Martini, A., Massa, S. and Testa, S., 2017. Collaborative network of firms: antecedents and state-of-the-art properties. International Journal of Production Research, 55(7), pp.2121-2134

Last update 10 May 2022